How Dental Implants Work

If you have missing teeth, dental implants can effectively replace that missing tooth with a similar artificial tooth typically of the same shape and size. how dental implants work are a good alternative to dentures as they resemble a real tooth alternative. Unlike dentures, dental implants give a much more natural looking tooth alternative than false teeth as they are permanently attached to your jawbone directly. There are many advantages of dental implants over dentures and will be outlined below.

Dental Implants and You

The main advantage of dental implants over dentures is that they do not need to be anchored to the gums or bone for support, and therefore will not cause any damage to the bone of the jaw. This is a major advantage over traditional dentures as they will not shift or slide around in the mouth, and do not require the maintenance of denture bridges that can become damaged over time. As the implant is permanently attached to the bone, there is no moving parts, which means that the implant will not break down, corrode or get worn down by chewing. This also means that the implant can be more securely placed into the jawbone because it cannot slip or move around. Also, dental implants require less maintenance as there is no bone cleaning or other steps required.

Unlike denture alternatives, dental implants do not require the placement of removable prosthetic teeth to complete the installation process. When dental implants are properly installed, a pocket is created that will house the prosthetic tooth. Once the prosthetic tooth is successfully placed into the pocket, a metal crown is then placed on top of the prosthetic tooth. This process of placing the crown and crowning onto the prosthetic tooth completes the installation process, providing a full and natural looking replacement for one missing tooth or multiple teeth.

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