What to Expect From a Brazilian Wax

Brazilian waxing

As any esthetician who offers Brazilian waxes the best prices  can tell you, the service is not for the faint of heart. For this reason, it’s important for both estheticians and clients to have a clear understanding of what the process will entail, so neither one is surprised when they get there.

Whether it’s a thong bikini or full-on Brazilian, most women experience some degree of pain and discomfort during the treatment. The good news is that most of it is temporary, and it gets better with each session. Plus, as hair is removed it’s replaced with finer, softer, more manageable growth—and you can say goodbye to pesky ingrown hairs.

Men’s Guide to Brazilian Waxing: Breaking Stereotypes

It’s important to note that you should only go to a licensed, experienced esthetician for your wax. Not only is it a safety issue to have someone who’s not trained properly, but it also could be a health hazard. Plus, a Brazilian is very intimate, and the esthetician will need to be able to see the area she’s working on (not an easy task) for the best results.

Before your appointment, it’s best to skip any scented or oily body products (especially around the bikini area), which can cause irritation. You should also avoid tanning within 48 hours of your wax, as sun exposure can alter skin sensitivity. And it’s a good idea to wear loose, comfortable clothes to reduce friction and sweating. It’s also recommended to shower post-wax with lukewarm water.

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