Medicare Supplement Plan N – Important Information About Enrolling

Medicare Supplement Plan N, also known as Medicare Part N, is basically a secondary Medicare program designed to fill in the gaps left behind by Medicare coverage. Medicare Supplement Plan N is usually purchased from a private insurance company, but can also be obtained through state-funded Medicaid programs. Medicare Supplement Plan N is meant to fill in the coverage gaps that arise from Medicare Parts A and B. Plan N is usually selected based on your current prescription drug coverage and your estimated monthly income.

Important Information About Enrolling

Medicare Supplement Plan N is usually selected based on your age and current medical expenses. Plan N pays for things such as Medicare Part A, which covers Medicare Part A deductibles and some Medigap policies, and Medicare Part B, which cover Medicare Part B deductibles and some Medigap policies. If you pay too much out-of-pocket medical expenses each year and don’t cover a large portion of your expenses in deductibles, Medicare Supplement Plan N may pay for itself very quickly. Medicare Part A and B are jointly determined by age and current medical expenses, and both cover different parts of your Medicare coverage. When you start out with Medicare, your health status is also taken into account when you apply for Medicare Parts A or B.

Medicare Supplement Plan N is not intended to replace Medicare parts A or B. It is intended to supplement the coverage provided by these two important programs. Some individuals and families find it helpful to use Medicare supplement plans for their Medicare coverage. However, even if you do use them, you should still read the medications guide listed with the Medicare Parts A and B coverage and consult your doctor about any other questions you have about your medications or Medicare. Your Medicare expert can assist you in completing the application for Medicare Parts A or B, find the most accurate coverage information, and answer any questions you may have about the Medicare supplement plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, and Medicare Advantage Agencies.

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